It is a free exhibition, permanently open from April to September and located in the centre of the village of Molène. Aimed primarily at tourists who visit the island on a daily basis, but not only at them, it aims to present the Iroise Sea, its fauna and flora in order to transform the visit to the island into a cultural moment. Regardless of the age of the visitor, this presentation can be very beneficial to everyone.
La Maison de l'Environnement is a simple renovated dwelling house. It is signposted and recognizable by the wrought iron sign at the entrance.
A welcome panel precedes the visit of three exhibition rooms.

The first one, on the left, aims to present the island under different aspects thanks to audio reports.

The second one is furnished with original furniture made of carved wooden plates. Algae and fish form the backdrop.

The exhibition is active: the visitor is asked to answer questions.

Who's eating who?
The game consists of linking a predator to its prey
knowing that it can have several different preys.
The further we go, the more we get to know the seabirds. Have you ever heard of the amazing stormbird, this emblematic visitor to the Molène archipelago ?

Another piece of furniture is used to illuminate the seabed.

An automatic projection makes the visitor move among the eelgrass or kelp forests which are home to a whole range of marine fauna.

The next room, just as interesting, is more technica l: first of all, it presents a whole collection of marine elements in jars.

And its presentations are full of detailed explanations of the archipelago's fauna and flora as well as its maritime world.
Do you have any idea of the size of a lighthouse lamp, for example?
Have you seen the video about the Bronze Age habitat excavated on Molène over the last ten years?

But we won't tell you the rest, as you'll be sure to visit the Maison de l'Environnement, which the Parc naturel marin d'Iroise has had the good idea of creating for your enjoyment.